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目前通过房地产投资提供居留权或公民身份的 12 个最佳国家                     12 Best Countries Currently Offer Residency or Citizenship By Real Estate Investment

目前通过房地产投资提供居留权或公民身份的 12 个最佳国家 12 Best Countries Currently Offer Residency or Citizenship By Real Estate Investment


世界各地有多种 投资入籍 或 投资居住的选择。每个程序都有其优点和缺点,有时很难在其中进行选择。没有“一刀切”的解决方案。这最终取决于您的特定需求和偏好。 

随着经济公民越来越受欢迎,新的投资计划居留权出现了。这使得平原领域更具竞争力并增加了品种。以下列出了投资者在做出决定前应查看的全球 10 个项目


葡萄牙的黄金签证计划于 2012 年推出,是欧洲最受欢迎的投资计划之一。只要主申请人不是欧盟 (EU)、欧洲经济区 (EEA) 或瑞士公民,任何人都可以通过在葡萄牙的合格投资来申请该计划。


  1. 对位于葡萄牙境内任何地方的任何类型的房产的最低投资为 500,000 欧元(如果该地点是人口密度低的地区,则为 400,000 欧元,)

  2. 至少投资 350,000 欧元购买至少 30 年的房产,前提是该房产将被修复,(如果该地点是人口密度低的地区,则为 280,000 欧元,)

  3. 向葡萄牙转移 1,000,000 欧元的资本,

  4. 在注册的葡萄牙公司中创造至少 10 个全职工作岗位,

  5. 对符合条件的葡萄牙风险投资基金的最低投资额为 350,000 欧元,

  6. 向葡萄牙境内的科学或技术研究投资 350,000 欧元,

  7. 至少向国家遗产、艺术或文化捐赠 250,000 欧元。


– 简单的过程

– 在葡萄牙生活和工作的权利

– 申根区内免费旅行

– 通往欧洲公民的捷径

– 家庭团聚允许家庭成员成为计划的一部分

– 短期逗留要求;每年平均有 7 天

– 负担得起的生活方式

– 具有高潜力的欧盟国家的投资机会



西班牙黄金签证计划于 2013 年启动。西班牙丰富的文化、令人愉悦的美食、阳光明媚的海滩和理想的生活方式使其成为搬迁的首选目的地。除欧盟 (EU)、欧洲经济区 (EEA) 和瑞士公民外,任何个人都可以通过符合条件的投资申请西班牙黄金签证计划。


  1. 对西班牙房地产的最低投资额为 500,000 欧元,

  2. 西班牙 1,000,000 欧元的资本转移

  3. 对西班牙公司的最低投资额为 1,000,000 欧元

  4. 2,000,000 欧元投资于西班牙政府债券。


– 快速处理时间

– 申根区内免签证旅行

– 在西班牙生活、工作和学习的权利

– 家庭融入计划

– 无住宿要求




希腊黄金签证 计划于 2013 年 7 月启动, 通过在该国投资授予五年居留签证。任何 18 岁以上、无犯罪记录的非欧盟 (EU) 公民都可以申请该计划。

投资者在希腊房地产上的最低投资额为 250,000 欧元,即可获得居留计划的资格。


– 快速简便的过程

– 在所有申根区国家免签证旅行

– 在希腊居住的权利

– 获得希腊的公共卫生和教育系统

– 投资要求低

– 家庭包容;配偶、子女、父母和配偶的父母

– 无最短停留时间要求



为了从获得欧洲公民身份的最快和最有保障的途径中受益,申请人需要在塞浦路斯投资 215 万欧元的房地产。 塞浦路斯投资公民 计划在申请后六个月内提供欧盟公民身份。塞浦路斯护照允许其持有人在欧盟任何地方工作、旅行、学习和生活。公民可以免签证进入德国、法国和英国等国家。此外,在塞浦路斯 CIP 工作三年后,投资金额可降至 500,000 欧元。

值得注意的是,塞浦路斯投资入籍计划已于 2020 年底停止。目前尚不清楚未来是否会再次启动。


马耳他投资入籍计划是一项主要针对高净值人士的计划。该计划也称为马耳他个人投资者计划 (MIIP),要求向政府设立的国家发展基金至少捐款 750,000 欧元。此外,申请人必须在政府批准的金融工具上投资 150,000 欧元,并承诺在马耳他购买或租赁房产五年。购买的房地产的价值至少需要 350,000 欧元。居住一年后,申请人可以申请马耳他公民身份并获得欧洲护照。马耳他公民可以在欧盟的任何地方生活、学习和工作。

马耳他还有一个单独的 居住计划。投资金额更实惠;但是,它不会导致马耳他公民身份。

MIIP 在 2020 年底经历了一些变化。您可以在我们的马耳他投资公民身份 页面中找到更新的要求 。


圣基茨和尼维斯投资入籍计划于 1984 年推出,是有史以来第一个投资入籍计划。该计划接受房地产投资或捐赠。要从该计划中受益,申请人必须至少向可持续增长基金 (SGF) 捐款 150,000 美元。或者,申请人可以在圣基茨和尼维斯的房地产投资 400,000 美元。获得公民身份的过程通常需要大约三到六个月的时间。


与圣基茨和尼维斯一样,加勒比海的圣卢西亚岛拥有宁静的山地景观和迷人的海滩目的地,以及健康的经济和有利的税收制度,使其成为 CBI 投资者的理想目标。

通过向国家经济基金捐款或对圣卢西亚房地产进行简单投资,投资者将发现自己置身于一个提供一流教育和医疗保健的国家。此外,您将能够在短短 4 到 6 个月内获得圣卢西亚护照,享受前往 120 多个国家/地区(包括申根区和英国)的免签证旅行。


安提瓜和巴布达的投资入籍计划为投资者提供了经济护照。申请人可以选择从该计划中受益的几种选择。投资者可选择向安提瓜国家发展基金捐款 100,000 美元。他们还可能投资 1,500,000 美元建立企业。或者,他们可以在政府批准的房地产项目中投资 400,000 美元(关联投资者可以减少至 200,000 美元)。安提瓜和巴布达护照可免签证前往 150 多个国家/地区,包括申根地区。此外,该国每年只需要居住五天。安提瓜和巴布达公民身份和护照可在四到六个月内签发。


多米尼克投资入籍 有两种选择。第一种是通过政府投资者签证计划向该国做出经济贡献(捐赠)。自 2015 年 1 月起提供的第二种选择是通过房地产投资。多米尼加护照的最低投资门槛为 10 万美元,是最便宜的护照之一。申请后大约需要三个月才能拿到护照。

直到 1993 年,如果不居住在多米尼加是不可能获得多米尼加公民身份的。多米尼加政府已更改此规则。通过其变化,多米尼克投资入籍计划不仅成为最便宜而且最灵活的选择之一。多米尼加护照持有人可以自由前往约 140 个国家,包括英国和申根区。


为了能够成为土耳其共和国的公民,投资者可以从多种选择中受益。他们可以在房地产上进行至少 250,000 美元的投资。他们还可以投资最低资本为 500,000 美元的公司。最后,他们可以更愿意将 500,000 美元存入在土耳其运营的国家投资工具或国有银行,前提是他们三年内不提取此类金额。此外,根据新规定,雇佣 50 名员工被确定为申请土耳其公民身份的标准。

通过投资获得土耳其公民身份的过程  通常需要大约 3 到 6 个月的时间。


通过美国政府批准的投资项目,投资者可以获得 EB-5签证。该签证提供美国永久居留权。它还为持有人提供在美国接受教育、生活、工作、学习和退休的权利。它还可以在项目完成后收回投资。美国政府要求主申请人每年至少有一半时间在美国居住。

美国护照的最低投资门槛为 90 万美元。作为处理周期较长的项目之一,获得居留权大约需要20至26个月。


瓦努阿图群岛靠近澳大利亚和新西兰,在短短 2-3 个月内向投资者提供免签证旅行护照(是的,它允许进入新西兰本身)。

这个海洋小国在其 80 个岛屿上遍布私人海滩,获得公民身份的唯一要求是对瓦努阿图发展支持计划的一次性捐款。然后,只需宣誓效忠于您的新家,您和您的家人就会踏上前往太平洋最美丽目的地之一的双重国籍之路。

There are several options for citizenship by investment or residency by investment around the world. Each program has its advantages and disadvantages, sometimes making it difficult to choose among them. There is no “one size fits all” solution. It ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. 

As economic citizenship becomes more and more popular, new residency by investment programs emerge. This makes the plain field more competitive and increases the variety. Here is a list of 10 programs around the world that investors should take a look at before making a decision


Portugal’s Golden Visa program, launched in 2012, is one of the most popular residency by investment programs in Europe. Provided that the main applicant is not a European Union (EU), European Economica Area (EEA) or Switzerland citizen, anyone can apply for the program through a qualifying investment in Portugal.

The qualifying investments are:

  1. A minimum investment of €500,000 in any type of property, located anywhere within Portugal, (€400,000 if the location is a low-density population area,)

  2. A minimum investment of €350,000 in a property at least 30 years old, provided that it will be rehabilitated, (€280,000 if the location is a low-density population area,)

  3. Capital transfer of €1,000,000 to Portugal,

  4. Creation of a minimum of 10 full-time jobs in a registered Portuguese company,

  5. A minimum investment of €350,000 in a qualifying Portuguese venture capital fund,

  6. An investment of €350,000 to scientific or technological research within Portugal,

  7. A minimum donation of €250,000 to national heritage, arts, or culture.


– Straightforward process

– Right to live and work in Portugal

– Free travel within the Schengen Area

– An easy path to European Citizenship

– Family Reunification allows family members to be part of the program

– Short stay requirement; an average of seven days per year

– Affordable lifestyle

– Investment opportunity in an EU country with high potential

The process of getting a Portugal Golden Visa typically takes around six months.


The Golden Visa program in Spain launched in 2013. Spain’s rich culture, delightful cuisine, sunny beaches, and desirable lifestyle makes it a top destination for relocation. Any individual, apart from the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), and Swiss citizens, can apply for the Spanish Golden Visa program through a qualifying investment.

The qualifying investments are:

  1. A minimum investment of €500,000 in Spanish real estate,

  2. Capital transfer of €1,000,000 in Spain

  3. A minimum investment of €1,000,000 in a Spanish company

  4. €2,000,000 investment in Spanish government bonds.


– Fast processing time

– Visa-free travel within the Schengen Area

– Right to live, work, and study in Spain

– Family inclusion in the program

– No stay requirement

Spain does not require residence for the renewal of the residency permit. It only requires the residents to enter the country at least once every year. There is, however, a residency requirement for Spanish citizenship.

Spain’s Golden Visa process typically takes one to two months.


Launched in July 2013, the Greek Golden Visa program grants a five-year residency visa through an investment in the country. Any non-European Union (EU) citizen, above the age of 18 with a clean criminal record can apply for the program.

A minimum investment of €250,000 in Greek real estate qualifies the investor to the residency program.


– Fast and easy process

– Visa-free travel within all Schengen Area countries

– Right to live in Greece

– Access to public health and education system in Greece

– Low investment requirement

– Family inclusion; spouse, children, parents and spouse’s parents

– No minimum stay requirement

A five-year residency visa is granted, and it is renewed every five years, as long as the property investment is sustained. Greek citizenship can only be granted after seven years of residency in the country. The application process for the Greece Golden Visa takes around two to three months.


To benefit from the quickest and most assured path to European citizenship, applicants need to invest €2.15 million in real estate in Cyprus. Cyprus Citizenship by Investment program offers EU citizenship within six months after applying. A passport from Cyprus allows its holder to work, travel, study, and live anywhere in the EU. The citizen can have visa-free access to countries like Germany, France, and the UK. Moreover, the investment amount can be reduced to €500,000 after three years spent in the Cyprus CIP.

It’s important to note that the Cyprus citizenship by investment program was halted at the end of 2020.  It is unclear if it will be activated again in the future.


Malta’s Citizenship by Investment Program is a scheme aimed mainly at high net worth individuals. Also known as Malta Individual Investor Programme (MIIP), the program requires a minimum contribution of €750,000 to the national development fund set up by the government. In addition, the applicant has to invest €150,000 in government-approved financial instruments and commit to a purchase or rent of a property in Malta for five years. The property value for purchased real estate needs to be a minimum of €350,000. After one year of residency, the applicant can apply for Maltese citizenship and obtain a European passport. A Maltese citizen can live, study, and work anywhere in the EU.

Malta also has a separate residency program. The investment amount is much more affordable; however, it does not lead to Maltese citizenship.

The MIIP went through some changes at the end of 2020. You can find the updated requirements in our Malta Citizenship by Investment page.

St. Kitts & Nevis

St. Kitts and Nevis’ Citizenship by Investment Program, launched in 1984, is the first citizenship by investment program there ever was. The scheme accepts investments for real estate or donations. To benefit from the program, applicants must make a minimum donation of $150,000 to the Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF). Alternatively, an applicant can make an investment of $400,000 in real estate in St Kitts and Nevis. The process leading to citizenship usually takes around three to six months.

Saint Lucia

Like Saint Kitts & Nevis, the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia offers a serene mountain landscape and attractive beach destinations alongside a healthy economy and advantageous tax system that makes it the perfect target for CBI investors.

With a contribution to the National Economic Fund or a simple investment in St. Lucian real estate, investors will find themselves in a country offering top-notch education and healthcare. Furthermore, you’ll be able to obtain your St. Lucian passport in as little as 4-6 months to enjoy visa-free travel to over 120 countries, including the Schengen Zone and the UK.

Antigua & Barbuda

The citizenship by investment program of Antigua and Barbuda provides an economic passport to investors. There are a few options applicants may choose to benefit from the program. Investors may choose to contribute $100,000 to the Antigua National Development Fund. They may also invest $1,500,000 in establishing a business. Alternatively, they can invest $400,000 in a government-approved real estate project (can be reduced to $200,000 for connected investors). Antigua and Barbuda passport grants visa-free travel to over 150 countries, including the Schengen area. Moreover, the country requires only five days of residence per year. The Antigua and Barbuda citizenship and passport can be issued within four to six months.


Citizenship by investment in Dominica is available through two options. The first is by making an economic contribution (donation) to the country under the government investor visa program. The second option, available since January 2015, is through real estate investment. With a minimum investment threshold of $100.000, the Dominican passport is among the cheapest. It takes around three months after the application to get the passport.

Until 1993, it was not possible to gain Dominican citizenship without residing in the country. This rule has been changed by the Dominican government. Through its changes, Dominica citizenship by investment program became not only the cheapest but also one of the most flexible options. Holders of Dominican passport can travel freely to around 140 countries, including the UK and Schengen zone.


To be able to become a citizen of the Republic of Turkey, there are several options investors might benefit from. They can make an investment of at least $250,000 in real estate. They can also invest in a company with a minimum capital of $500,000. Finally, they can prefer depositing $500,000 in State investment instruments or state banks operating in Turkey, provided that they do not withdraw such amount for three years. Also, employing 50 personnel is determined as a criterion for applying for Turkish citizenship with the new regulation.

The process of Turkish citizenship by investment usually takes around 3 to 6 months.

United States

Through investment government-approved projects across the United States of America, investors can get the EB-5 visa. This visa gives permanent U.S. residency. It also provides the holder with the right to education, live, work, study, and retirement in the USA. It also enables receiving the investment back upon the completion of the project. The US government requires the main applicant to reside in the USA for at least half of each year.

The US passport has a minimum investment threshold of $900.000. As being one of the programs which have a rather long processing period, it takes around 20 to 26 months until getting the residency.


With close proximity to Australia and New Zealand, the islands of Vanuatu offers visa-free travel passports to investors in as little as 2-3 months (and yes, it grants access to New Zealand itself).

The small Oceanic nation is filled with private beaches across its 80 islands, and the only requirement for citizenship is a one-time contribution to the Vanuatuan Development Support Program. Then, simply swear your oath of allegiance to your new home, and you and your family will be on your way to dual-citizenship in one of the most beautiful destinations in the Pacific.

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